We are a group of volunteers who sing at the bedside to individuals who are approaching the threshold of life.
We sing in groups of two, three or four to provide soft harmonies of songs that bring thoughts of peace, comfort and calm.
We can be contacted by phone to come to a hospital, hospice, nursing home or private home to sing. There is no charge for us to come and sing at bedside.
Call 412/564-3664 and leave a message letting us know that you would like us to arrange for a group to come and sing. We monitor the phone 24/7 however we may not call you back during nighttime hours (Midnight-7am).
If you would like to leave a detailed message, please include:
- who is calling
- who we will be singing to and a little bit about their situation
- facility or neighborhood where we need to go
- phone number for whomever we need to speak with to make arrangements to be there
One of us will call back to get detailed information and to schedule a time for us to arrive. We try to be able to respond within hours of being contacted since we understand the precious moments ahead.